BSP Community Projects

by | 7 Jul, 2023

LOCATION: AROB, Central, West Sepik, SHP & Hela

DATE: 2021 – 2023

BSP community projects was initiated to provide an avenue for each BSP branches to select and support a community to make a difference under a theme each year. Solar Solutions (PNG) are fortunate to be a part of the BSP projects as a technical partner with quality verified solar technology. Our Sustainable Development Team have completed 7 projects that includes include Kwikila Health Center where solar powered KoolBoks 158L Vaccine Freezer was installed and Barefoot ConnectLi 3000 LED lighting was installed in each room, Gaire Market was supported with PBOX 30W Solar Streetlights to provide reliable community lighted for a safer and secure community. Lealea Primary School received Barefoot ConnectLi 3000s for their classroom lighting and a Mission 1202 1.2kW Solar Generator for the staff printer and laptop.